Bender Visual Motor Gestalt Test 2

Introducing the Bender Visual Motor Gestalt Test 2 (BVMT-2), a renowned neuropsychological assessment tool that has revolutionized the field of neurodevelopmental and cognitive evaluation. This test, developed by renowned psychologist Lauretta Bender, has been widely used for over half a century to assess a range of neurological and developmental conditions.

The BVMT-2 is a projective test that requires individuals to copy nine geometric designs onto a blank sheet of paper. Through the analysis of the copied designs, clinicians can gain insights into an individual’s visual-motor integration, perceptual organization, and cognitive functioning.


The Bender Visual Motor Gestalt Test 2 (BVMT-2) is a neuropsychological assessment tool used to evaluate visual-motor integration, visual perception, and cognitive functioning.

It is commonly used to assess individuals with suspected neurological or developmental disorders, such as autism spectrum disorder, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), and learning disabilities.

Purpose and Uses

  • Assess visual-motor integration, the ability to coordinate visual information with motor movements.
  • Evaluate visual perception, including form perception, spatial relationships, and visual closure.
  • Identify cognitive deficits, such as attention, memory, and problem-solving abilities.
  • Assist in differential diagnosis of neurological and developmental disorders.
  • Monitor treatment progress and response to interventions.

Administration and Scoring

The Bender Visual-Motor Gestalt Test, Second Edition (BVMT-2) is administered in a standardized manner to ensure consistency and reliability in the results obtained.

Administration Procedures

  • The examiner provides clear instructions to the participant, explaining the purpose of the test and the task requirements.
  • The participant is given a set of nine stimulus cards, each depicting a geometric design.
  • The examiner presents each stimulus card one at a time, and the participant is instructed to copy the design onto a blank sheet of paper.
  • The participant is given a time limit of 3 minutes to complete each design.
  • The examiner records any observations of the participant’s behavior during the task, such as hesitations, erasures, or verbalizations.

Scoring System and Interpretation of Results

The BVMT-2 scoring system evaluates the participant’s drawings based on their accuracy, organization, and integration of the design elements.

The drawings are scored on a scale of 0 to 6, with higher scores indicating better performance. The scoring criteria include:

  • Accuracy:The degree to which the participant’s drawing resembles the original stimulus design.
  • Organization:The participant’s ability to arrange the elements of the design in a logical and cohesive manner.
  • Integration:The participant’s ability to connect the elements of the design into a unified whole.

The total score for each design is then calculated, and the participant’s overall score is the sum of the scores for all nine designs.

The interpretation of the BVMT-2 results is based on the participant’s overall score and the specific patterns of errors observed in their drawings. These patterns can provide insights into the participant’s cognitive abilities, developmental level, and potential areas of difficulty.

Clinical Significance

The Bender Visual-Motor Gestalt Test-2 (BVMT-2) is widely used in clinical settings to assess neurocognitive functioning, particularly in the domains of visual-motor integration, visuospatial perception, and executive function.

The test is sensitive to a range of neurological and developmental conditions, including:

Neurological Conditions

  • Alzheimer’s disease
  • Parkinson’s disease
  • Multiple sclerosis
  • Traumatic brain injury
  • Stroke

Developmental Conditions

  • Autism spectrum disorder
  • Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)
  • Developmental coordination disorder
  • Learning disabilities

Psychometric Properties

The Bender Visual Motor Gestalt Test-Second Edition (BVMT-2) has undergone rigorous psychometric evaluation to ensure its reliability and validity as a neuropsychological assessment tool.

Reliability refers to the consistency and stability of the test results. The BVMT-2 demonstrates high test-retest reliability, with correlation coefficients typically exceeding 0.80, indicating that individuals tend to obtain similar scores when the test is administered on multiple occasions.

Validity, Bender visual motor gestalt test 2

Validity refers to the extent to which the test measures what it purports to measure. The BVMT-2 has been extensively validated against various criteria, including clinical diagnoses, neuroimaging findings, and other neuropsychological measures. Studies have shown that the test can effectively differentiate between individuals with and without neurological impairments, particularly in the areas of visuospatial perception, attention, and executive functioning.


  • Well-standardized and widely used, providing a large normative database for comparison.
  • Simple and easy to administer, requiring minimal training for examiners.
  • Provides a comprehensive assessment of visuospatial perception, attention, and executive functioning.
  • Useful for screening and diagnostic purposes in various clinical settings.


  • May be influenced by cultural factors, as it relies on visual-motor integration skills that may vary across cultures.
  • Limited ability to detect subtle cognitive deficits in individuals with high overall cognitive functioning.
  • Requires a certain level of motor coordination and visual acuity, which may affect performance in some individuals.

Normative Data

The Bender Visual-Motor Gestalt Test-Second Edition (BVMT-2) provides normative data that serves as a reference point for interpreting test results.

Normative data is a collection of scores obtained from a representative sample of individuals who are similar to the population being tested. It allows clinicians to compare an individual’s performance to that of others in their age group and gender, and to identify any significant deviations from the expected range.

Age- and Gender-Normed Data

The BVMT-2 normative data is divided into age and gender groups. The test manual provides tables of mean scores and standard deviations for each age group, allowing clinicians to determine an individual’s percentile rank and identify any potential areas of concern.

Cross-Cultural Considerations

Bender visual motor gestalt test 2

The BVMT-2 has been used in various cultural contexts, showing promising cross-cultural applicability. However, it’s essential to consider potential biases or limitations in cross-cultural use.

Cultural Influences on Spatial Perception

Cultural factors can influence spatial perception, which may impact performance on the BVMT-2. For example, individuals from cultures with a strong emphasis on collectivism may prioritize group cohesion over individual performance, potentially affecting their approach to the test.

Language Differences

Language can also affect the test’s administration and interpretation. The BVMT-2 instructions and scoring criteria may need to be adapted to different linguistic contexts to ensure accurate administration and scoring.

Socioeconomic and Educational Factors

Socioeconomic and educational factors can influence an individual’s ability to perform on the BVMT-2. For example, individuals with limited access to educational resources or who come from disadvantaged backgrounds may have lower scores due to factors unrelated to cognitive functioning.

Cultural Norms and Values

Cultural norms and values can also impact performance on the BVMT-2. In cultures where conformity is highly valued, individuals may be less likely to challenge the examiner’s instructions or ask for clarification, potentially affecting their test performance.

Training and Certification

The administration and interpretation of the Bender Visual Motor Gestalt Test – Second Edition (BVMT-2) require specialized training and certification. This ensures that examiners are competent in administering the test, scoring the responses, and interpreting the results accurately.

Training programs for the BVMT-2 are typically offered by professional organizations such as the American Psychological Association (APA) and the National Association of School Psychologists (NASP). These programs cover the theoretical foundations of the test, administration procedures, scoring criteria, and interpretation guidelines.


Upon completion of a training program, individuals can obtain certification in BVMT-2 administration and interpretation. Certification is typically granted by professional organizations or independent testing agencies. The certification process usually involves passing a written examination and demonstrating proficiency in administering and interpreting the test through a case study or live examination.

Expert Answers: Bender Visual Motor Gestalt Test 2

What is the purpose of the Bender Visual Motor Gestalt Test 2?

The BVMT-2 is used to assess visual-motor integration, perceptual organization, and cognitive functioning.

How is the BVMT-2 administered?

The test involves copying nine geometric designs onto a blank sheet of paper.

What conditions can the BVMT-2 help diagnose?

The BVMT-2 can assist in diagnosing neurological and developmental conditions such as autism spectrum disorder, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, and dementia.

Is the BVMT-2 a reliable and valid test?

Yes, the BVMT-2 has strong psychometric properties, including high reliability and validity.